Relapse Prevention for Substance Abuse

What is relapse prevention?

Relapse is a complex issue and is one of the biggest obstacles to sustained growth in recovery for people with a substance use disorder. Once you've experienced a relapse, attempts to stop using alcohol and/or drugs becomes more difficult without the proper therapeutic interventions.

At Mirmont Treatment Center just outside of Philadelphia we specialize in preventing relapse into drugs and alcohol. We do this by:

  • Helping patients identify and address relapse warning signs, such as relapse thought patterns that lead to repeated outcomes of self-sabotage and a return to alcohol and drug use
  • Facilitating understanding of unresolved core issues and trauma, and what triggers a return to unhealthy behaviors
  • Developing strategic interventions and relapse prevention skills for a specific program of recovery

We invite you to come tour our facility and find out more about our approach to preventing relapse.

I am not defined by my relapses, but by my decision to remain in recovery despite them. – Anonymous

Certified relapse prevention specialists

Our relapse prevention specialists are certified in the Gorski-CENAPS model of relapse prevention therapy, specifically trained to treat people with relapse syndrome. They assist patients in identifying the specific progression that takes them from a stable place in recovery back to active use. This provides a clear understanding of what creates risk and how to intervene. It also offers new insights into the primary critical warning signs that drive the patterns of relapse that patients might not otherwise recognize.

Relapse therapy and our approach to preventing relapse

Effective participation in this therapy process, along with involvement in the Peer Recovery Program and continued therapy, can significantly increase the likelihood of preventing relapse. Patients have the opportunity to disrupt the cycle of relapse, increase levels of motivation, change unhealthy patterns, and improve their overall experience of recovery.

Related specialties

Holistic Pain Management and Addiction Treatment

We provide holistic pain management and addiction treatment, empowering clients to manage their pain without the use of addictive medications during their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery—and for a lifetime. Patients are introduced to self-acupressure, reiki, creative imagery, yoga, aromatherapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

LGBTQ Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services

We provide LGBTQ substance abuse treatment and mental health services through personalized group and individual counseling services in an affirming, culturally sensitive, competent and informed manner, and in an environment where LGBTQ people feel safe and comfortable sharing and processing their experiences.

Trauma and Substance Abuse Treatment

Trauma and substance abuse treatment go hand-in-hand as unresolved trauma, neglect and loss are among the common underlying factors of alcoholism and addiction disorders. If these issues get overlooked in treatment, your program may end up focused more on symptom control than the root cause of addiction and relapse.

Mirmont Outpatient Services

Mirmont Outpatient Centers provide tailored treatment for adolescents and adults with mental health challenges.

Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant Women

Mirmont is one of a few treatment centers in the Philadelphia region that has designed a superior clinical program and rehab for pregnant women addicted to alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids and other substances, offering pregnant women suffering from substance use disorder the additional medical oversight necessary for safe, effective care.


Expert-led rehab with personalized plans for effective addiction treatment and recovery.