Art for the Heart Group
Art for the Heart specializes in using art to assist women in their journey to emotional wellbeing and is led by a board-certified, registered art therapist. It is an "open" group, meaning patients can attend following referral at any time without commitment. While there is this flexibility, we do recommend regular attendance to allow you regular support. Past WEWC group patients have shared the more they attended, the better it was for their emotional well-being.

Art for the Heart art therapy group allows patients to:
- Participate in Art for the Heart from the comfort of your own home with our easy-to-use virtual platform
- Develop effective mindfulness and art-based coping techniques for depression, anxiety and adjustment to life changes
- Explore how art can be used to increase self-understanding and wellbeing
- Use regular self-care techniques and positive self-talk
- Learn how making art can be a form of mindful meditation to promote health and well-being
- Meet other local women to increase social support
Note: No prior art or art therapy experience necessary.
The Art for the Heart group meets virtually.
If you are interested in Art for the Heart, you will first be scheduled for a screening appointment to determine if this group is right for you. To schedule your screening, please call 1.888.CARE.898 (227.3898). Following your initial screening, you will receive a Zoom link and you may join the group at any time.