The Women's Emotional Wellness Center's Skills for Wellness Group is the recommended next level of care for all women completing our higher level of care programming (IOP and PHP) at the WEWC. SWELL offers regular ongoing support to reinforce concepts and coping techniques and apply them to real life situations. Group is also a means of increasing social supports as it is a safe space for women in our community to give and receive emotional support.

Women in a support group

SWELL Group places emphasis on:

  • Reinforcing coping and self-care skills developed in higher level of care programming
  • Learning additional techniques and ideas to supplement your "toolbox"
  • Exploring ways to implement strategies outside of higher level of care programming and overcome barriers to maintaining mental health recovery
  • Meditating and other therapeutic activities to promote health and well-being
  • Connecting with and learning from other women around mental health recovering and receiving ongoing support as you transition from PHP to IOP
  • Serving as an ongoing resource for those who complete PHP and IOP, regardless of discharge date

The SWELL group is currently held virtually.

All members are encouraged to make themselves a priority and attend regularly upon completion of IOP or PHP. Those who complete IOP and/or PHP can attend at any point but may be scheduled for a session prior to returning to group if they have not attended group recently to check in and update their chart.

Please call 1.888.CARE.898 (227.3898) to schedule. Following your initial screening, you will receive a Zoom link and you may join the group at any time.